How to prepare the right breakfast
Almost all of us have breakfast, and we do it right. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It should be light and at the same time satisfying, and also tasty. But how to prepare the right breakfast is not an easy question.
Several years ago, having started another round of diets and weight loss, I stopped eating breakfast. As a result, I really lost weight, but developed problems with the gastrointestinal tract, frequent headaches, irritability and loss of energy. Well, also bloating and poor sleep, since the lack of breakfast was involuntarily compensated for by a hearty dinner.
Soon I got tired of this mockery of myself and was replaced by another extreme. I started eating sandwiches, pizza, pancakes for breakfast… Along with the weight, my stomach problems returned, my skin got worse, and again I was unhappy.
Over time, I found the right breakfast - oatmeal with kefir and fruit. Oatmeal is considered the ideal morning porridge. Eaten on an empty stomach, it lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, coats the walls of the stomach, and stimulates the intestines well. But oatmeal cooked in water is unpleasant to me, so I tried pouring kefir into the oatmeal - I didn’t even expect such a pleasant taste and velvety consistency!
Oatmeal with kefir and fruits
Write down the recipe:
- Half a glass of kefir
- 1.5 tbsp oatmeal (preferably the least processed)
- A third of a banana
- A handful of cherries
- Several strawberries
Breakfast oatmeal with fruit on kefir
Add oatmeal to a glass of kefir and leave to swell a little. Remove the seeds from the cherries, cut the banana and strawberries. Add a little honey to taste, I like to add a teaspoon of natural cocoa. When adding cocoa to oatmeal, you can get by with just a banana or a cherry, or just a handful of raisins. In fact, any berry or fruit will go well with neutral oatmeal. Now is the time for plums, and I really like the combination of kefir, oatmeal and plums, it can weaken it a little))).
Oatmeal with blueberries and banana
It turns out a full glass of the mixture, it feels like it fills your stomach, but you don’t overeat, the taste is divine! No problems with the intestines, no matter what diet you are on. I don’t feel like eating for five hours, my stomach isn’t burning. When you know that you are eating healthy, low-calorie food that is also tasty, you are guaranteed a good mood in the morning!
When the time for fresh berries passes, add melon - I checked it on myself, there are no special effects, although they recommend not combining melon with anything. Apples, frozen berries, prunes, dried apricots, raisins, and nuts are suitable. Lately I’ve been adding a teaspoon of bran or fiber for greater benefits.
I’ve been eating this oatmeal exclusively for breakfast for 3 months - I’ve never once thought that I’m tired of it. I take kefir of different fat contents, try different oatmeal, experiment with combinations of fruits and berries, add different honey… During this time I lost weight to an almost ideal weight (of course, not only thanks to breakfast - I do yoga and eat smaller meals, drink a lot of fluids). The face cleared up, the hair became thicker, and the nails became stronger. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract has improved. I recommend this breakfast to anyone who wants to feel good and enjoy healthy food.